Sunday, November 21, 2010

Relief From Headache In Natural Ways...
Headache is a common problem, 
specially among the working crowd.
Headache is caused due to several factors, 
but we can put it under three
broad categories -
1.Tension –This is the most common cause of headache. 
creates a spasm of the muscles at the back of the neck. 
The muscle spasm gets
the tissues over the surface of the cranium and thus, 
the pain is felt not
only on in the neck but also on the forehead.

–Migraine is the abnormality of the nervous system. 
This strain on the
nervous system is caused due to eye strain, shock, 
stomach disorders etc.
Migraine is a chronic disease which needs medical attention.

3.Cluster Headache
–Cluster headaches are repetitive and gets back 
several times in a
month. These are generally caused due to constant 
pressure on the nerves like
alcohol consumption, chain smoking etc.

Headaches are very
disturbing and restricts your attention to the pain alone. 
At this moment
pain killer seems to be the only solution to get relief 
form headache. Pain
killers, however, have side effects. Here are few 
home remedies to get relief
from headache -

1.For chronic
headache, eat sliced apple with salt everyday 
in the morning for a week.

2.Crush lemon crust
into a fine powder and make it into a paste with 
the use of water. Apply this
on the forehead. This is quick relief form 
headache caused due to tension.

3.Apply a small
amount of Eucalyptus oil on the center of the
 head and cover it with a towel
dipped in warm water. This is one of the 
most effective ways of curing pain.

4.Put 3 drops of ghee in your nostrils for 
a week to get rid of headache from cold.

5.Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of 
honey every morning to treat chronic headache.

6.Grind watermelon seeds with poppy seeds and
 consume three grams of it everyday if you are
suffering constant pain.

7.Application of sandalwood paste on the forehead
 is one of the tradition ways of curing headache.

These seven tips will surely give you quick relief 
from headache and does not have any side effects. 
They not only get you relief from headache but also 
treats it, so that you don't suffer the symptoms again.
courtesy: oneindia

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