Thursday, July 31, 2008

Movie Hopping at the Cinema

Just awhile ago, I went to the cinema doing something that is totally out of the norm.

Some might think that only a guy overdosed with Gin would do a thing like that, but really, being Gin myself, I did it.

If there was anything awkward, embarassing, foolish, and weird that I have ever done in my entire life, this event where I went to the cinema to watch a movie was going to be it.

Before I explain what monkey act I did at the cinema, I am going to tell you that I was really not up for the movie Sex and the City.

Don't ask me why or even tell me how good it is?Its just not my type of movie and the last thing I want to do is watch it. At least in the cinema! Got to miss whatever they're doing there though.

So, with that in mind, i'll continue with my weird act. Upon arriving at the cinema with the agreed plan to watch The Mummy- Tomb of the Dragon Emperor,

things did not go the way it seem. My friend could not get any good seats to watch the mummy unless we'd seat at the front row of the cinema which is pretty much the same as watching a movie at home close to your tv screen

As a replacement, being nice of him, he quickly bought tickets to Sex and the City instead.

That's right guys! SEX AND THE CITY!!

Normally, I would have gone ahead and watch anything but tonight, its not that I wanted to be difficult or anything but I just had to watch the Mummy!!NOTHING MORE!!

Guess what I did then. I left my friends(terrible act) and entered into a different hall that was playing the mummy.(If I couldn't get any seats, I was going to return back to watching sex and the city.)

That's right guys!I actually umm.....sneaked into a different cinema hall. Obviously Alone!!Who the hell would join me on such a thing?

With no seats booked, first day release of the movie, fully sold out tickets, and no intention to seat close to the screen, I was really innnn for a difficult situation.

Like a scavenger for food in the wild, I manage to get a seat which was very nice. Way back of the cinema. Not until two guys came up and embarassingly, I moved on to searching for another seat.

Gosh!!This cinema is really full! It was really difficult to move around looking for a seat especially in the dark.

Then I went to another spot which had a row of 4 seats not taken with a couple who already sat there on the same row of 6.

I don't have much of a choice left isn't it unless i'd like to seat on the floor.

Not thinking whether the rest of some group of four would show up, which would have definitely burned off what's left of my thick skin,

I sat there looking out once awhile if any group of four people would suddenly appear.

Soon, things finally got relaxed for me. I mean who in the right mind would miss half of a movie and watch the end of it. But still.....

In the end, I had 4 empty seats by myself to watch the whole movie. Good seats which was situated by the middle side of the cinema.

I can't believe what really happened. I don't think I want to do it again. But if you ask me, how adventurous can one person be in the cinema, I thought this was really something out of the extraordinary. Sadly, I wished I could have done it on a different occasion without ditching my friends aside. Sorry guys about that but somehow, I would have enjoyed a little of this madness if we were together on this. I cannot but wonder a girl who would join me doing what I did tonight. No wonder i'm single!

As for the movie, I feel it was just like one of those common chinese dragon movie with men that have super powers with a few english actors in it.

But still, It was good!

Rating: 6/10 (quite good!lets just say, i might play it one more time on dvd)


Híbrido transgénico de iguana y león imaginado por Antoine Helbert

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

La cara del moro

Estimación de uno de los pasos intermedios en la recuperación de la cara del moro en el monte Benacantil, justo después de retirar la epidermis y la dermis para su limpieza y recolocación.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

La moderna Casa Lovell

La Casa Lovell, diseñada por Richard Neutra y finalizada en 1929 en Los Ángeles, California, es la primera residencia norteamericana realizada con estructura de acero y una de las casas más importantes del siglo XX.

Su construcción se llevó a cabo casi simultáneamente a la de la Ville Savoye de Le Corbusier en Poissy, cerca de París, y junto con ésta constituye un ejemplo de modernidad perpetua. Están a punto de cumplir 80 años desde su terminación y dentro de 80 años seguirán siendo modernas.

Las imágenes son de Floyd B. Bariscale, popicle y Arnout Fonck (1 y 2)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

El monstruo de Feuillée

"Un monstruo nacido de una oveja"
Louis Feuillée, Journal des observations physiques, mathématiques et botaniques, 1714
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Libary, USA

El monstruo cuya figura se ve aquí, parido en Buenos Aires el 26 del mes de agosto. El contraste de tres semejanzas que tenía con un niño, un caballo y un ternero, sorprendió extrañadamente a todos los que lo asistieron. Lo pedí al que me lo mostró, con la intención de examinar todas sus partes para un fiel informe; pero no quiso nunca dejármelo. Lo examiné de cerca, y dibujé, sin que se diera cuenta, sus características principales. (...)
Este monstruo tenía once pulgadas de longitud, tenía sobre la cabeza un pelo naciente, y sobre el resto del cuerpo una piel de color de carne lisa, destacando que este feto había sido prematuro; tenía una cabeza de hombre, la parte del cráneo era esférica, en el nacimiento de la parte superior de la frente salía un cuerno piedra, que colgaba abajo, y ocultaba un ojo de toro bien formado, que estaba en medio de la cara, donde tenemos la nariz, y se terminaba un poco sobre el labio superior; no lo dibujé con todo tan largo, para no ocultar el ojo que tenía este feto. El frente se proporcionaba perfectamente, no tenía narices, su boca se colocaba como nosotros, la barbilla así mismo; las orejas junto a la cabeza eran similares a las de un caballo, así como el cuello, y todo el resto del cuerpo no difería del de un ternero. La figura que lo representa aquí, grabada en el original, demuestra regularmente toda la forma exterior

Friday, July 25, 2008

Snorkeling at Phi Phi Island

Just awhile ago, I received some photos from a friend from my trip to Phi Phi Island. Photo's that were taken by a camera that required to be processed the old fashion way.

With all the hardwork being put into getting the photo's developed(that needed money) scanned (that needed effort) into a computer, and uploading the scanned photos into a picasa site, HOW CAN I POSSIBLY NOT SHARE IT WITH YOU GUYS!!

okay okay!!I know!! Although I did agree that my previous post was going to be the last post of my trip but I really have no choice since I don't travel alot, not at least for the next few months. What can I say!Travelling costs money and if that wasn't the only problem faced, time would be another factor for over-used workers like me.

With that, one of the things that I did over there was going to the beach where the movie "The beach" was filmed.

Now going to the beach is not cheap. You'd have to pay 200 baht which is RM20 to enter the sea by boat to "the beach".

Well of course for poor people like me who are on a budget trip, we decided to enter the beach on an alternative route which you don't have to pay but just go through terrains such as sharp rocks and jungle tracking. (pictures were not taken on this small journey)

Anyway, so there we were.

The famous beach, a must place to go for hot babes to take pictures!Even if you think you're not hot, the scenary of the place will make you so. Weird isn't it?

Moving on, going to "the beach" was just an experience. However, snorkeling was not appropriate there because the waters' too shallow and pretty much nothing to see unless u'd like to see dead corals. So we pretty much headed back to the opposite site of the island and started snorkeling again.

Now you'd probably be wondering by now, why the hell did we bring an old fashion camera. Well, an underwater camera was bought just to take pictures of us snorkeling. Pictures of us underwater which somehow look like we were in some big giant aquarium.hmmm...

So, here's one professional shot.

Some had trouble staying under the water. That's what happens when you're taught to only stay afloat.

Then came my turn. I don't look too happy ain't it and Leon(right) could actually post a peace sign and smile??

What a poser!!!ummm maybe shark behind you?RUN!!RUN!wait a minute...SWIM SWIM!!

Animales imaginarios (27)

"Alien Herbivore Adult" de Aaron Sims

Thursday, July 24, 2008

When you just know the environment is not right for you

Ok guys some of you might wonder to what extent would some metrosexual men (urban-living man) do when they are up in a junglely hill and you could just tell that it is time to go and end the day up there as soon as possible and go back to where they are more comfortable with.

First they take pictures of dogs. (I guess that's ok, i mean you've not done that for a long time isn't it?)

Then they take pictures of bamboo trees

Then dead trees

Flowers that grow wild brought upon by mother nature.

Trying to get a good shot of Spiders from the wall.

Another shot

Another another shot!

and when you just thought that he was on a documentary trail of his life and he was having a good time of his life with unforgettable memories that he will cherish forever,

Flies were also taken


note: Pictures were taken with Canon Ixus 960IS.

El Diablo (8)

Inquietante y espléndida obra he...IV de Mehmet Turgut

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ceci n'est pas une invention collective II (Esto no es una invención colectiva II)

Después de siglos de pintura occidental en trompe l'oeil (engaño a los ojos), René Magritte la plantea como un trompe l'esprit (engaño de la mente): “El arte de la pintura es un arte del pensamiento, cuya existencia pone de manifiesto la importancia que tienen en la vida los ojos del cuerpo humano”, escribía en “Le vrai art de la peinture”.

Buena parte de los cuadros de Magritte se pueblan de objetos y seres híbridos, a medio camino entre dos estados distintos. En realidad nos hallamos ante fenómenos de transferencia ya que uno de los objetos puede confundirse con el otro, transferencias que pretenden demostrar la fragilidad del convencionalismo del lenguaje. En La invención colectiva la mujer y el pez se convierten en una sola criatura.
(Textos de “La invención colectiva” en Artehistoria)

En la imagen, “Mujer sardina 2”, un homenaje personal a la obra L’invention collective (La invención colectiva) de René Magritte.
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