Sunday, October 24, 2010

Change Drive Letters in Windows XP

Change Drive Letters in Windows XP
When you add drives to your computer, such as an extra hard drive,
a CD drive, or a storage device that corresponds to a drive,
Windows automatically assigns letters to the drives.
However, this assignment might not suit your system;
for example, you might have mapped a network drive
to the same letter that Windows assigns to a new drive.
When you want to change drive letters, follow these steps:

Right-click My Computer, and then click Manage.

Under Computer Management, 
click Disk Management. In the right pane, youll see

your drives listed. CD-ROM drives are 
listed at the bottom of the pane.

Right-click the drive or device you want to change, 
and then click Change Drive

Letter and Paths.

Click Change, click Assign the following drive letter,
click the drive letter you want to assign, and then click OK.

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