And when someone tells you that their wedding is held over there, You just don't come late or come in your clubbing attire hoping for it to end early so that you could be in time for night clubbing.
You make sure that you come in a nice car. Like a Bentley or anything just a little bit lower.

You make sure that you come in branded clothing like wearing an LV buckle to make sure that you are a class above the others.

You make sure that your girlfriend is perfect even if she has to go for an airbrush tanning to make sure that she has flawless skin.

Just like how other celebrity's are doing it already.

And most of all,
YOU MAKE SURE!! that you come from a civilized city and not back from the Kampung which the hotel employees are skilled enough to sniff and filter these people out as they live pretty close by the hotel.

So, after weeks and months of preparation, the big day finally came.
Note: I got to take pictures from you guys on facebook ok. Hope you guys don't mind. That is if you read my blog.
First of all, I couldn't of course drive there with my old piece of junk. I couldn't simply risk parking my car infront of the hotel that would down-grade its five-star ratings. That is first of all, if they haven't kicked me out yet.
So a nice friend of mind after hearing how much I wanted to help the planet by reducing my carbon footprint, felt that hitchin a ride would actually do some good and so picked me up from my place. A start at least to a greener planet and a good start to showing how civilized I am before I got to Rasa Sayang.
So we arrived early only to find that the cocktail has not even started yet.
As a result, with some of the girls who arrived even earlier than us, started to camwhore already.

They even came with state-of-the art cameras to make sure the event was properly recorded down into superfine quality pictures.

Not prolonging anymore, this is how the wedding looked inside.
They had a band that played country songs the whole night.

The lighting was wonderful.

The flowers were as i'm known to say "It's Beautiful"

The food was good. The drinks were good. The girls were pretty.

What else was there to ask for in such a dinner!!
So the decor was great, and they had a proper emcee and stuff and all kinds of little things that goes along the way such as this nice little gift which is now lying in my bed room with no idea what to do with it.

Now one of the things I took note during the event was the speeches made by the two best man.(I think those two guys fourth from the left in the picture below)

You see...in most weddings, some people would like to know what the wedding couple is like. Since most of the people in the room that night were closer to the bride, more people were rather curious of the english guy who married the princess.
They want to know whether he was able to support her. Was he wealthy and confident enough to go through the stormy weather when it arises throughout the relationship.
Was he cheerful enough to ensure that the princess was forever happy.
Was he rich enough to buy her an LV bag when the need arises.
In short, was he an honest, tender, loving, caring and secured man?
For many of us that night, we would never know all this since they're in UK, but for us many Chinese, the least we would like to know or hear is that the groom was doing well.
The two best man said and stressed that,

How about that for a measure of success!! I am pretty sure they'd do well!ALL THE BEST TO BOTH OF THEM!!

By the way, if any of you would like to marry, I know a guy who drives a two door BMW and his single. Definitely got the stuff to marry already.
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