My badminton racquet broke.
Not only did it just break, it broke into two just like this.
Maybe it was the powerful smash.
Maybe it was the tightness of the string.
Maybe it was the pink color of the racquet thats filled with it that made the racquet too hot for the "pinky" who used my racquet.
Whatever it is, the racquet is now broken after being bought for only one week.
Not to say, with the racquet broken, the ego of being the next badminton champion of the country went along with it.
The shop that provided a year long warranty for the racquet only covered accidents that, let me put it this way, were not Man-Made.
With all their experience, they concluded that mine was man-made. (Not to argue of course)
So, what had become of this expensive racquet no longer has value.'s the interesting part.
Before you start to throw away your racquet into the bin to keep the environment cleaner,

I mean you ain't going to keep a broken racquet for your future generations to use right?
Don't worry i'm just as surprised as you are!!What I'm Talking about??
Apparently I was told that some shop around Komtar will accept your broken racquet for as much as RM60.
Trade in of-course for a new racquet. Does not matter what brand it is, as long as it looks like a badminton racquet or umm close to it. (Don't bring tennis racquet la)
So there you go guys, don't throw away your broken racquet yet, its still worth at least RM60!! Keep your ego intact, keep playing badminton, and continue your journey to be the next Chong Wei for the country. Will update to you whether this is true, but hold on to your broken racquets.