Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Extrañas piernas

Collage en acuarela sobre materia fresca de Mute en Atenas
Mural original en Fresh Stuff From Mute in Athens (Materia fresca de Mute en Atenas), Wheatpaste en Wooster Collective
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Arquitectura giratoria

La moda de los edificios giratorios ha llegado a Dubai. Varios proyectos simultáneos se están llevando a cabo:
- Rotating Residences de High Rise Properties se anuncia como la primera torre rotatoria de la región, con apartamentos de uno y dos dormitorios, estudios y hasta una villa construida encima de la torre, que tendrá su propio ascensor para coches y tres plazas de aparcamiento.
- Glenn Howells Architects ha diseñado para la firma de inversionistas británicos UK Property Group una torre giratoria cilíndrica denominada 55° Time que utiliza energía solar para moverse 360 grados durante un ciclo de siete días.
- El arquitecto David Fisher ha diseñado el edificio denominado Da Vinci Tower bajo el concepto denominado Dynamic Architecture en el que cada planta puede girar por separado sobre un eje vertical. Ver en este mismo blog el post La ciudad del futuro (9)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
You just know it when you're not famous

Now if you look closely with a magnifying glass

or better still a Microscope.

Ok, for those of you who just missed it, I'll post it up again. sigh...

I really did not know that these celebrity bloggers were doing the "all", taking pictures behind my back which clearly at the end of it all,
You just know it when you're not famous.
GOSH that sucks!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
El Diablo (7)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
New Header with centralized problem
Its about time I have a new header. I've been staying up quite awhile adjusting my header playing around with HTML (something that i should be very well versed) and I noticed that I have not been able to put the picture into the middle. (I'm pretty sure you notice it right).

*Gosh!!Tell me about it for someone who graduated from IT!!* Sad case really!!
Well can somebody out there help me on this?I need to catch up on my sleep right now to ummm for work tomorrow? For your information, if you're wondering who doesn't make money out from blogs, I am one of them.

Anyway, back to my new header.

What do you think?OKAY I KNOW!!I definitely did not put much effort into my new header!!
But what do you expect from a guy who create drawings like this a few weeks ago just to go for a party?

Now some of you must be wondering how did I come about this picture (header)?
Its 2am right now. How do you think I came about this picture!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Caprice - Dem Girls
What do you think?
The next Malaysian Chingy?

Kampung last time where got talk girls like dat one!

What the hell happened to Joget!

Ok seriously guys!!You should watch it!
*mind you i think it was good!Way to go Malaysian!!*
Maybe Next Nuffnang Party should include a performance as well from C-A-P-R-I-C-E!!!
Magritte revisitado (9)

Sunday, June 22, 2008
This is Live about Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging Party (Part 2)
I am going to tell you whats happening right now!!LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!
I am not playing a PSP that i was supposed to. (I mean what in the words "I have worked too hard for it and lost too much" that they do not understand!!!)

Lucky that fellar did not stay around i tell you!!My car was ready already!!*just joking ok man!we're cool!you deserve it whoever you are*
Also I am without a free Dell XPS Laptop (ok does not take a genius to figure this one out that I really do not deserve it or even worthy of it)

So really, at the end of the day, like many other dinners that I go to where the most I bring back is at least a small butter cake wrapped nicely which is already left on the dinner table for guests to take back home that says Thank you for coming,

you must be wondering what did i bring back from the party at the end of the day.
Memories guys!!Memories!!
I may have missed the recent Pyjama Party

and I may have missed the Pirate Party

With that, I guess I only have pictures of that night to share with you guys. Here are the rest of the pictures with the bloggers.
First the entrance just like any movie or music awards.
Civilized Animal Conversation. ummmm....
Had to take with the Bunny
Other animals that were there
Umm i think this is suppose to be a Kangaroo
umm cow and another rabbit i think
WenQi and Suet Li
Picture of some girls there
A picture with Pink Pau
Ok she's fourfeetnine, I'm fivefeeteleven. We're not of the same height!
The Lioness on the right won the Dell XPS Laptop
At the end of the day, I finally met, Batwoman. What took you so long to fly here!!
Corteza (1)
Una novela de HG Wells titulada “El hombre invisible” indujo a Escher a realizar esta obra. El protagonista de esta fantástica historia había preparado una misteriosa pócima y al beberla su cuerpo se hacía totalmente transparente. Pero esta invisibilidad no representaba un inconveniente, cuando quería conseguir ser de nuevo visible cubría su rostro con un vendaje. Según Escher esta obra representa una situación similar y, al mismo tiempo, le dio la oportunidad de dibujar una imagen reconocible, tanto externa como internamente.
Saturday, June 21, 2008

En la imagen, Calibos Smoking (Calibos Fumando) de Matt Cioffi
Friday, June 20, 2008
This is Live At Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging Party
believe me if you felt the same way as that guy, it was real back in the Jungle!
contracted a Virus(not too bad at least I was still alive)
Sleepless nights
Psychological effects of never going to the jungle again,
Destroyed Suzuki Vitara after going through the jungle,
and Singlehood since my gf left me for going to the jungle for doing something stupid rather than spending time with her in a shopping mall carrying her handbag,
If there was anything that I wouldn miss in this world, it would be this Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging Party that I've worked too hard for it and lost too much!!
And guess what, here I am. (Obviously, they would only admit one person a post into this party since they would expect that alot of people would be single after their escapade going through jungles like me)
(No problem in making live posts with Maxis Wireless Broadband. I mean looks at this!!)
Now the party was held at Modestos/Rain, Desa Sri Hartamas.
Unlike the jungle where you have no specific direction to go to find Animals, Nuffnang has been able to provide a map to the place.
Now you must be wondering since my car was destroyed, how the hell could I possibly come to this animal gathering from as far as Penang!
well behold, MY Pajero!!(just parked it at the Modestos Car Park)
If anybody, I mean ANYBODY who is going to snatch away my PSP, please i mean please, if you do see a huge Pajero behind the ass of your car or for you that matter, YOU BETTER HAND THAT PSP OVER TO HIM!!! (His not going to go back empty handed after going through all the torture his gone through to get him here) Getting out of the car park is not going to be that easy for you!!
Ok back to LIVE with the Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging Party!
So if you're wondering whether the animals from Madagascar
and Kungu Panda would meet, they were all here!!
I mean gosh!! If there was any jungle with animals i would go to, this was definitely the place!!
Lots of Chicks (Gosh i was true isn't it about my narrow mindedness in my previous post)
Had to take with the chicks!!
Famous Blogger Celebrities were everywhere, it felt like I was in the MTV Movie Awards!!
That is Suet Li
Boss Stewie and Cheesie
The Only Elephant
A picture with Ringo
The rest of the girls over there
Then if you're wondering that there was just one gorilla in this party, there were 4 gorillas!!Crazy Fellars!!